
  • Z. R. Kisil
  • R.-V. V. Kisil
  • A. V. Perepelytsya


«emotional burnout» syndrome, professional activity, extreme situations, auto-psychological and professional competence, components of the pro-fessional activity effectiveness. determinants of the «emotional burnout», emotional exhaustion, resistibility, tension, employees of the National Police.


The article is dedicated to the problem of the «emotional burnout» syndrome course among the employees of the National Police of Ukraine. An overview of the basic scientific and theoretical foundations of the research, the most important of which is the justification of the content of the basic concepts of this phenomenon within the framework of psychological science, is given. The analysis of the employeesʼ of the National Police of Ukraine activities peculiarities and their influence on the appearance of the «emotional burnout» syn-drome symptoms is provided. It is noted that the specificity of the employeesʼ of the National Police of Ukraine activities differs in that it contains a large number of situations with high emotional saturation and the cognitive complexity of interper-sonal communication, and this, in turn, requires a significant contribution from the policemen to establish trusting relationships and the ability to manage the emotional tension of business communication with the objects of their professional activity. It is revealed that special conditions of the employeesʼ of the National Police of Ukraine professional activity, namely: the risk-taking nature of activities with unpredictable consequences (wounds, injuries), communication with asocial elements, permanent mental and physical overload, often lead to mental activity deviation of a policeman, appearance of post-traumatic disorders, propensity to deviant behavior and professional deformation, increased conflicts, aggressive-ness, etc. It has been revealed that the general feature and cause of the «emotional burnout» syndrome of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine is the pres-ence of an internal conflict among the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the attractiveness of working there, expectations and real possi-bilities of a policeman. It has been defined that the syndrome of «emotional burn-out» is: the reaction of a policemanʼs organism and psychological sphere, which arises as a result of prolonged exposure to stresses of medium intensity, caused by his professional activity; the result of an unmanageable long-term stress; a mental state characterized by the emergence of emotional emptiness and fatigue caused by professional activity, and combines emotional emptiness, depersonalization and reduction of professional achievements; a type and precondition of professional deformation of a person.


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