adictology, addiction, adolescent, family of migrant workers, psycho-corrective program.Abstract
In the article the author reveals psychological peculiarities of correction of behavior of adolescent – addicts from the families of labor migrants. The reasons for the emergence of addictive behavior among adolescents from families of migrant workers are justified. It is claimed that on the background of the physical absence of parents, members of such a family accumulate, and subsequently begin to manifest a large number of psychological problems. They have not been resolved for years, and grow into intrapersonal conflicts and the lack of personal understanding.These factors enhance negative influence of family deprivation. Thus, disturbing conditions, intrapersonal conflicts of these children, deviant and addictive behavior, provoked by the long-term absence of one or both parents are formed. The author analyzes the essence of addictive behavior, points to the psychological determinants of its formation in adolescents abandoned by parents in connection with their labor migration. So, the main reason is the stress experienced by adolescents and increased anxiety provoked by the lack of parents. The tendency to form addictions is also possible under the condition of the influence of personality traits, in particular, infantilism, suggestiveness and imitation, prognostic incompetence, rigidity and obstinacy, naivety, simplicity and sensual spontaneity, curiosity and high search activity, maximalism, self-centeredness, brightness of imagination, representations and fantasies, impatience, propensity to risk and danger, fear of being abandoned. The author of the article reveals types of addictions, in particular elementary and systemic. The existence of age-related priorities of dependences is indicated. Thus, adolescence period is characterized not only by pathological habitual actions, but the addictions that can be treated with the help of a psychologist. A psycho-corrective program of work with addictive behavior of adolescents from families of migrant workers is described and its main tasks are characterized.
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