cadet, a level of psychological tension, stress, adaptive capacity, stress conditionsAbstract
This paper presents a rationale for the stress resistance of the trainee. Reviewed internal and external stress factors that affect the identity of the student. The resistance to stress of cadets during training at the University is not spontaneous, but is formed in stages by increasing the level of awareness of personal characteristics and changes in the interaction and relationship of personal and subject-activity units in the structure of the stress of future law enforcement officers. stress the individual cadet considered as structural and functional, dynamic, integrative property of the individual as a result of collision transactional process of individual stress factors, including cognitive representation, an objective description of the situation and the requirements for the individual. Stress is considered in the context of individual body’s ability to maintain normal performance, maintain the necessary degree of adaptation to the effects of extreme environmental factors and occupation as preserving the capacity for social adaptation, preserving meaningful interpersonal relationships, ensuring the successful self-achieving life goals, preservation of adaptive potential efficiency, health. Stress characterizes the state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by long-term involvement in emotionally intense and meaningful situation.
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