self-education, professional self-perfection, motivation of self-education, pedagogical guidance by a self-education, program of self-education, organization of self-education in higher educationalAbstract
In the article attention is accented on importance of self-education for personality development and professional becoming of student young people. On the basis of questioning responsible not enough attitude of young people is shown to ward own development. The necessity ofincrease of motivation of students is reasonable to the prosecution of itself, literate pedagogical guidance by the process of self-education from the side of scientifically-pedagogical workers, creation of due external and internalterms for a self-education in higher educationalestablishment. To achieve high performance of their future careers (skills), students must systematically examine yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses, constantly form a sort of personality that will build not only professional but also personal development. Equally important is the right choice of methods and techniques of self, including the most effective are: self-hypnosis, samoperekonannya, samopidbadoryuvannya, samoprymus, samonakaz, samoshvalennya, samozaohochennya, self and others. Self occurs in the case of educational and professional activities for a student gets life sense of personal value and prohnozuvatyme term professional growth. It can be done actively, provided in higher education will improve, take «professional nature» mental states and processes of future professionals zbahachuvatymetsya their life and work experience, develop the necessary professional skills and the quality of students is crucial for the development of professional competence personality. Active self-introduction in the practice of high school the necessary changes in training and re-training of teaching staff, including the introduction of courses that would help the employee to acquire pedagogical methods and techniques of self-knowledge and self-improvement, effective forms of self-organization in higher education. After the activity the teacher who participative youth to self, requires him to be a connoisseur of human nature, personal development coach.
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