
  • V. V. Vishnevsky


psychology, applied psychology, student age, personality, professional activity, psychological preparation


The essence and relevance of psychological knowledge students of technical universities. Author determined value of psychological knowledge, psychological knowledge necessary for a deeper understanding of themselves and others; psychological knowledge necessary for self-improvement, adaptation to changes in the environment; studying psychology need to improve their own professional activities fullest use of personal potential.
By two main trends shaping the content of training at the Technical University. First, is the formation of the personality of the student develop his individual qualities and characteristics, and secondly – the development of his knowledge of specific technologies in the specialty, which in the future will be a means and content of his profession.
Analyzed the psychological characteristics of college age. The program of the foundations of psychology and highlights the main subject containing knowledge of applied nature: general psychology; Developmental Psychology; psychology of communication and human relations; psychology of family life; bases of mental health; psychology of creativity; psychology professional fulfillment; Psychology of Management.
It is concluded that the teaching of psychology not be purely theoretical and based on the application of psychological knowledge and include training for developing the necessary practical skills essential for the formation of each person. In the course of training at technical colleges should introduce courses that would disclose the psychological aspects of professional activity, depending on the subject and its specificity.


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