
  • L. Y. Gumenyuk


corruptive conduct, corruptive pressure, susceptibility to corruption, peculiarities of the regulation of corruptive behavior, psychological and legal mechanisms, anti-corruptive expertise, anti-corruptive resistance


The problem of corruption in modern conditions is a threat to national security. Corruption in government agencies and officials, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, prevents the development of public administration.
Tthe current state of a problem of corruptive behavior of law enforcement officers is summarized; socio-psychological sources of corruptive behavior of law enforcement officers is identified. The model of corruptive behavior of the law enforcement officers is formed. Psychological mechanisms of legal anti-corruptive expertise of employees of Ministry of Internal Affairs is worked out. The possibility of introducing psychological and legal mechanisms of formation of competence in anti-corruptive activities of the police as a way of fighting with corruption in the law enforcement system is disclosed. Theoretical significance of the study lays in that fact that the results of the research complement and deepen the knowledge of the social and psychological origin of corruptive behavior of law enforcement officers and especially the formation of anti-corruptive expertise of law enforcement specialists as a complex phenomenon, enriching their understanding of space in psychology and law.
The model of psychological and legal mechanisms of the formation of anti-corruptive expertise as a way to fight corruption in law enforcement agencies is formed. Practical importance of research related to the development and implementation of psycho-pedagogical programs, optimal psychological and legal mechanisms for the formation of anti-corruptive expertise of law enforcement agencies are revealed.
Scientific practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation of anti-corruptive expertise of law enforcement specialists, professional counseling of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as the system of higher education and additional training and retraining of law enforcement officers is given.


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