
  • О. Н. Uhryn


family, parental attitude, professional activity, students, psychological readiness for the professional activity


The paper presents the theoretical approaches to the analysis of parental attitude.
As the system of relations of parents (father and mother) to their child, themselves as parents, parental roles, parenting in general, parental attitude defines the nature of educational practices in the family. Different types of parental attitudes of parents as a system of relations due to some parental goals, values, attitudes and motives. In turn, they provide family educational practice specific nature while performing a regulatory function.
The relationship of parental attitudes components of psychological readiness and personal qualities that promote self-development and personal fulfilment in the professional sphere is analysed.
The study was establishing differences in dominance of an attitude of parents and their role in the professional fulfilment of student psychologists and lawyers. In particular, training, where often discouraged appeal to his father for help in cases of quarrels or any difficulties plays a role in learning motivation, but psychologists for this approval is more significant. Also, student psychologists, compared with students support lawyers father promotes self-management and communication skills, the ability to formulate and solve cognitive tasks, and managing a mobilization of forces, positive attitude to learning, the ability to prove initiated work to completion.
For law students to develop communication skills and ability to manage and organize their time, goals, a more authoritative position on the part of the father is needed.
Thus, for the effective formation and development of the necessary components of readiness and desire for professional fulfilment in general favour a dominant position paternal expression of positive interest, as autonomy on the part of the father and by the mother. These positions can provide appropriate resources for further positive development of personality and becoming a professional.
It was established that the different influences of parents and promotes psychological preparedness components in the professional sphere.


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