behavioral activity, psychological characteristics, stress, stress, anxiety, irritability, identity, happinessAbstract
Done review of scientific literature on the effects of emotional experiences stress and stress for problems with the physical human diseases. Analyzed the psychological characteristics of emotional experiences in the life of students and individual characteristics of behavioral activity in stressful conditions. Outlined ways to influence the personality of Representatives students to enhance their personal and physical health, increased stress.
As college students is a socially differentiated socio-demographic community, which are inherent specific physiological, psychological, cognitive, cultural, educational and other properties, which was the driving force behind the emergence euromaidan, it is advisable to consider the empirical study of emotional experiences is this category.
Student youth is a specific community, and its essential characteristics and features as opposed to the older generations and age groups in a state of formation and development. Emotional distress and behavioral activity largely depends on cognitive processes, ways of thinking and assessing the situation, knowledge of own resources, the degree of expression of skills management and regulation of stress. And in this lies an understanding of why the conditions of and behavior in stressful situations one person different from the behavior of another person in the same circumstances. The scientific world is increasingly interested in peculiarities of emotional and stressful at the psychological level: analysis of typical adjustment in the motivational structure of the role of emotional factors regulate behavior, sustainability of different cognitive functions that provide efficiency information processing, individual techniques compensate and overcome difficulties, peculiarities of behavioral activity in stressful conditions.
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