
  • О. Ja. Finiv


personality, firmness to stress, psychological traumas, acceptance itself, psychological defence, mechanisms of psychological defence


Speech goes in the article about semantic and functional semantics of term «psychological defence» in the context of acceptance of personality. The conceptual mainlines of psychological defence selfacceptance of personality are exposed in the article. The specific of psychological defence of personality is reflected in the context of functioning of their acceptance. The semantic is set and filling of definition, the basic going is reflected near her interpretation.The psychological defense is considered as a specific functional system of activity, the basic properties of which forms the individual personal protective style. The psychological defense is explained as a conscious or unconscious behavior that helps to reduce the psychological discomfort and thereby increases the resistance to destructive factors of individual life. This regulatory system that operates in a situation of internal or external conflict and subsystem includes stabilization and poverty, including adaptation. Considered one of the main terms of mental health – stress. The concept of «stress», and analyzed the psychological conditions and preconditions of stress. The problem of psychological distress of people, including students and experts of different areas of professional activity, becomes topical in scientific and practical field due to the continuous growth of social, economic, environmental, technological and personal extreme conditions of our life and due to significant changes in the work content and conditions of representatives of many professions.
The results of empiric study of features of psychological defence are reflected for healthy children and children with mionectic sight.
In the article close connection is exposed between psychological defence of personality and feeling by her own safety. The author outlines prospects of further research in this direction.


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