
  • N. М. Kalka
  • M. B. Tsyvinska


memory, experience, verbal stimuli, visual stimuli, emotions, emotional memory, emotional response, emotional track, mnemonic product, polygraph


The problem of emotional memory studies are the subject of scientific discussion and debate of modern scientists. Most researchers show that emotional memory is related to the feelings experienced by human, causing a «trace» of a purely emotional coloration in the memory. Applied use of polygraph in emotional memory studies enables drawn from memory of the emotional coloration of a certain modalities concerning specific memories, and affects on the indexes of a polygraph (heart rate, respiration or skin-galvanic reaction). But empirically investigate presence of emotional memory is difficult, because to distinguish between emotions and actualization needs, desires and motives aren’t so simple, also impossible implement the principle of repetition, because emotion is unique, and there is no standard for comparison.
As for the features of polygraph researches, the emotional memory is a reflection of personal mnemonic significance for the subject product, related with active binding of emotional memory images of objects, events and situations of motivational-semantic formations personality fixing these bonds and their subsequent reproduction, measured during polygraph’s researches. The structure of personality in some way «woven» with emotional memories, and keep the experience, using in new kinds of activities.
The emotions occur as a manifestation of the subjective reactions to certain irritants. The emotional memory using specific verbal or visual irritants can reproduce the emotional state that accompanied her during some events past.
The polygraph uses verbal and visual stimuli for the analysis and evaluation, making it possible to link truthful or false answers with diagnostic changes in physiological characteristics. During psychophysiological researches using technical means – computer polygraph measured actual voltage level in the form of changes in physiological processes that result from updating emotional memory trace in the relevant stimuli with different emotional significance humans, who is the participants polygraph’s researches.


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