
  • L. Y. Gumenyuk
  • O. V. Fedchuk


post-traumatic stress disorder, psycho trauma, traumatic event, comprehensive rehabilitation, readjustment, rehabilitation, debryfinh


The article summarizes the current state of research of a problem PTSD and areas affected by war psycho rehabilitation trauma; conducted an empirical study features of post-traumatic stress. The composition of the complex rehabilitation of soldiers: a psychological block; medical (psychotherapy, neurological, cardiological) block; Social rehabilitation unit; Methods: physiological, autogenous, medication, organizational, therapeutic.
Highlight 4 groups, which can be attributed examined, characterized as traumatic professional experience, and symptoms of PTSD and other mental disorders. The above groups were compared in terms of obtained using psychometric complex, aimed at measuring signs of post-traumatic stress, which included: Misissipi scale (ML) questionnaire severity of psychopathology (SCL-90-R), a question-naire Spielberger-Hanin questionnaire and Beck. The obtained results make it possible to implement a flexible approach in identifying the risk of fire stress disorder and develop various options methodical complex system of criteria and classification of subjects at risk maladaptive states.
Negative correlation scales with indicators Internal methods that make some symptomatic «psychological distress», saying that external locus of control also contributes to the formation of stress reactions. Also, was significant correlation between age and protective mechanisms such as intellectualization and jet formation. This is consistent with the fact that these defence mechanisms are associated with higher levels of mental regulation and during ontogeny most emerging and developing late.
The possibility of a mechanism of recognition and risk stress disorder (division into two groups, different levels of risk) in terms of «psychological defence». During the study the author conducted training social skills – rational group therapy using the method of forming experiment. The results formed the basis of guidelines for psychologists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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