
  • O. M. Borysenko
  • S. V. Muzyka


autism, Asperger’s syndrome, Kanner’s syndrom, genetics, immunology, perinatal factors


Analyzed classical and modern concepts and theories of the causes of autism spectrum disorders. Highlight understanding of the concept of autism, its etiology and pathogenesis. Thesis there is determined, with about a dozen concepts of the causes of the disorder, three major, behavioral, biological, and cognitive. According to modern scientific views analyzes each of the concepts. Explained why genetic factors provide the greatest value. Specified on the absence of a single concept or theory of the causes of autism and the need for its isolation. Walking away from reality in the world of the ownexperiencing, extreme form of selfisolation, poverty ofexpression of emotions, inadequate reacting and deficit ofsocial cooperation are all the distinguishing features ofautism, enigmatic complex of psychical and поведінковихdisorders. Autism, heavy and psychical disorder, is agrowing world problem. Without regard to almost півстолітню history of researches,among scientists and to this day discussions proceed inrelation to that, what reasons of autism are basic. As autismis rare disorder that has various forms of display, he difficultenough yields to the study. Complication of research ofautism is caused also by associate character of social,когнітивного, speech and emotional development in the firstyears of life of child.Violation any of these functions affect other spheres offunctioning of psyche of child. In particular, problems in thefield of social development result in lag in speechdevelopment, and vice versa. Autism is a heavy form of pathology of development, thatstrikes the nervous system, that arises up as a result ofviolation of development of cerebrum and shows up as adelay of development of basic skills, allround deficit of socialactions and commonunication, one-sided interests andrepeated actions.


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