blue colour, symbolic of colour, psychological influence, emotions, physiology of a person, psychophysiological processAbstract
Influence of blue colour on psychological and physiological functions of a person is determined and analysed in this paper. A particular colour gives not only important information about an objectt but also has ability to cause ideas and feelings. The psychological aspect of perception of blue colour is related to emotional, sociocultural and aesthetic background. Considered as some cultural characteristics, historical periods influence and affect the perception of the blue man and the possibility of applying the study of the relationship between color and mentality in the diagnosis. Colour is one of the most interesting phenomena on Earth. It is a physical occurrence that exerts influence on human physiology and psychology. Colours have numerous and varied functions. They reach human’s eye but each person’s perception of them depends on his or her life experience, culture and education. The perception of this information adds to our knowledge of the world; takes part in the formation of our notions. Colours exert great influence on our feelings, and hence on our mind and behaviour. On perceiving a colour visually, the eye, with its peculiarities as а receptive organ, nfluences the formation of the image which reaches the human brain. Colour is a phenomenon of perception, not an objective component or characteristics of substance. That effect is most obviously shown when the colours are highly saturated. Green and blue are soothing; they reduce the pressure in the auricular centre and create a sensation of fading or compensating intensity of the sound. Colours, however, mainly exert influence on human emotions, hence the preferences to one colour or another. The reason is that every colour affects our mood in a different way and carries different energy. They excite and stimulate us; focus our visual sensitivity; stir us to action; create a sense of vigour. When we are sad, we prefer cold colours as they slow down the rate of respiration and heartbeat.
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