future psychologists, motivation, cognitive activity, avoidance motives, motives of change, motivation esteem change, motivation esteemAbstract
The article deals with the problems of motives of future psychologists in higher educational establishments in the system of DSNS. The author presented the results of research of motivational sphere future psychologists during their studies at university. For every level of studies the different motives are characteristic: high-successful respondents use high internal motivation and cognitive activity, which increases during the training.
Low-level studies characterized by average cognitive activity and low intrinsic motivation, which for education is reduced. It is noted negative dynamics motives «change in activity» and «self-esteem». In both groups dominated internalities locus of control in the achievements and failures and externalities – in health, family relationships and productive activities. It is reported high focus on themselves and the activities and low focus on communication.
The group vysokouspishnyh characterized by high internal motivation and cognitive activity, which increases during the training. It is noted the high level of «competitive motive,» «motive of self-esteem» and the capacity for predicting the activity. For low-level education characterized by average cognitive activity and low intrinsic motivation, which for education is reduced. It is noted negative dynamics motive «change of» reducing self-esteem and ability to forecasting its activities.
In both groups dominated internal’nym locus of control in the achievements and failures and externalities – in health, family relationships and productive activities. Reported high focus on themselves and the activities at the same time focus on poor communication.
The prospect research aimed at the implementation of factor analysis and correlation of research results of motivational sphere in future psychologists high and low levels of achievement. Summary results will contribute to a clearer understanding of personality in professional extreme activities and will enable to develop an effective strategy adjustment motivation during the training.
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