destructive motivation, environment, sociological factors, psychological factorsAbstract
The environment is one of the concepts of the management psychology, which describes a set of external factors that affect the processes of vital activity of the society. Broadly speaking the environment includes a set of economic, political, legal, social and spiritual conditions of development of the society, defining common vectors of the organizational dynamics, functioning and development of the social system of the provision of road safety. In Ukraine, political and legal subsystem of the society is far from perfect, that provides a high level of harmonization of interests of different social groups. A number of its features are the precondition of destructive motivation because it has a negative impact on traffic safety organization, inhibits its development, and increases the level of conflict relations between police and drivers.
The second group of preconditions of destructive motivation at the level of the environment refers to the economic sphere of the society. A type of economic system, which causes the existing principles of economic relations, is the basis of the formation of the structure of the road safety organization, the interests of the owners of transport companies, administration and drivers. Currently, the economy of the country is characterized by the outflow of capital and investment, rising inflation and slowing production. All these factors complicate the existence of the motor sector (roads, repair infrastructure, automotive industry), do not allow managers to create a favorable environment for interaction with drivers, a full account of their interests and needs. Thus, it generates destructive motivation. Backgrounds of destructive motivation are present in the social sphere of the society. The key instrument for regulating the driver’s behavior and motivation within social sphere is social groups and their existing social norms – spontaneously formed or consciously established rules of conduct. Certain characteristics of social norms are the basis of preconditions of destructive motivation in the social interaction subsystem. Negative characteristics of the different spheres of social life give rise to acute forms of conflict of interests and have a specific manifestation in the field of road safety.
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