profecional self-consciousness, professional self-concept, image Me, self-confidence, profecional prepairing of future rescue workers, professionally important qualitiesAbstract
In article the problem of psychological conditions of forming professional self-conception future rescue workers is discovered. Also the methodological basics of investigations, using analysis, correlation and synthesis the plans like: peculiarity, specificity and demands for extraordinary behavior to cadets personality and professionally important qualities of future workers; psychological peculiarities study-trading activity of subject is explored.
We accomplished the theoreticaly-methodogical analysis of modern modes for discovering professional self-consciousness and professional self-concept of future experts. The theoretical model of structural and semantic components of professional self-conception for future rescue workers is elaborated too. We determined the components of professional self-conception structure: cognitive, motivation, emotionally-estimated, behavioural and spiritually-valued, their empirical experiment on representative sample was organized.
Developed and tested authoring program to form professional self-concept for future saviors. The program included consideration of psychological conditions for the formation of professional self-concept, including cognitive, emotional evaluation, motivational, spiritual values and behavioral components. The main means of formation of professional self-concept selected socio-psychological training. Consequently, comparative analysis of the results of double psyhodiahnostuvannya participants (before and after mold exposure) revealed positive dynamics of structural and semantic components of professional self-concept for future saviors. It was found that statistically significant changes observed in the students ideas on revaluation of future trade and development of professional motivation, the formation of an adequate self-esteem and spirituality cadets raising willingness to take risks.
It was found also that the psychological conditions of formation of professional Self-concept for future rescuers are: updating the mechanisms of formation consciousness; ensuring all components of professional self-concept; taking into account the individual characteristics of students; promotion of awareness of stu-dents in a positive professional image; taking into account the age characteristics of students and social situation during training in the military establishment.
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