
  • О. М. Borysjuk


management competence, components, internal affairs officer, methodology, empirical research


In the article the methodology of psychological components of managerial competence of the future internal affairs officers. Determined appropriate use individually developed methodology for this study.
The analysis methods of psychology and techniques of psychological diagnostics peculiarities of empirical research components such as motivation, reflecting the individual professional reasons; emotional and volitional that detects the level of acceptance of responsibility for the management of stylistic and self-regulation; operational and active, detecting level of managerial qualities, abilities and skills; personality that detects self-esteem and personal property; reflective, which manifests itself in the ability to consciously control their own level of development and its performance. Research Methodology managerial competence of police officers can include such methods as empirical test, questionnaire «Methods of diagnosis of professional motivation» (V. Osodla); test «locus of control» in the modification A. G. Ksenofontov; method «style features self-regulation of behavior (CAP-98)» V. Morosanovoyi, E. M. Konoz; method «Analysis of their limitations» Have you «K. Woodcock, D. Francis; administrative tasks; questionnaire «Finding the quantitative expression level of self-esteem» (by S. A. Budassi) Freiburg multifactorial FPI personality questionnaire (Form B.), «Methods of diagnosis of reflectivity» A. V. Karpov, survey, questionnaire to determine the motives for the professional management of; evaluation questionnaire for self and others; expert survey, interview and observation.
Psycho studying internal affairs officers conducted according to techniques allows empirically examine the level of development of psychological components of management competence, and especially their development.


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