management, personnel, organizational culture, motivation, focus, natureAbstract
It was determined that the effectiveness of modern professional personnel depends on its orientation, and psychological qualities of moral culture and the motivation and the nature of relationships in the team, resulting management style that define the social and psychological climate and the quality of working life. So in personnel management as a system of relations mechanisms, forms and methods of influence on the formation, development and use of personnel subsystem psychological relationship acquires special relevance and significance. The recent study of HR devoted a significant number of jobs scientists, which indicates the special place this issue among the priority areas of management.
The results of empirical research, which was conducted among employees of management staff to diagnose psychological aspects that influence the effectiveness of personnel management in the enterprise. In this study used the following methods: methods of «Study of different types of organizational culture» (R. Harrison) method «Assessment of management style»; method «Learning motivation to succeed» T. Ehlers; method «Determination of direction» over «-» the work «-» to interact». «Orientation Questionnaire» B. Smejkal and M. Kucera»; technique «Typology» accented personality «K. Leonhard (H. Smisheka questionnaire)». The results of correlation analysis by the criterion of Pearson and the results of the factor analysis that outlines a system of relationships between the state of organizational culture, leadership style, motivation, direction and nature of the state.
Thus, the article essence and psychological features of personnel management and highlights the results of empirical research of psychological aspects that influence the effectiveness of personnel management. Presents key results of correlation analysis by the criterion of Pearson and results of factor analysis.
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