
  • І. V. Yurchenko


functionally incomplete families, psychological accompaniment of families, problems of functionally incomplete families


Nowadays, together with rapidly increasing proportion of single-parent families because of divorce or death of one from couple the number of so-called functional single-parent families, those in which one or both migrate abroad for work, increases intensively. The issue of psychological assistance to families is the object of attention of Ukrainian researchers such as A. Bondarchuk, V. Varga, S. Yenikolopov, T. Zelinsky, A. Cape, T. Naumenko, V. Postovii, I. Khamitov and others .The features of changes in the functioning of families in today’s society, the development of new methods and techniques of psychological counseling and work with them are actively investigated. Schools for parents, centers of social – psychological rehabilitation and psychological support to families who have returned from exile forced labor are created. Substantiation of methods of psychological assistance to functional families (FF) is impossible without a clear choice of the forms of work practical psychologist with FF. In this regard, we note that the terms «psychological counseling», «psychological correction», «therapy», «psychological support» specific types of psychological help are marked. In our opinion, in the case of counseling this aid does not involve deep changes in the personality of the client, and psychological correction and psychotherapy are focused on as follows: psychocorrection – specific problems of individual (fear, aggressiveness, etc.) psychotherapy – basic dispositions. Underneath the term «psychological support» we understand that kind of activity of psychologist, which includes a set of interrelated and interdependent methods, means, which are aimed at ensuring social – psychological conditions for the preservation and development of the mental health of the individual and of the society in our investigation of family. Among these methods psychological education (awareness), training sessions, group meetings, etc. are predominant and among the means of influence mainly persuasion and suggestion are superior. Therefore, psychological support may be appropriate for this type of situation and psychological support to individual and family. First, the psychologist can and must cover general information about the high likelihood of some psychological problems in children and parents particularly (face-to-face when circumstances so require), announce the organization of group meetings for parents where they can discuss issues that concern them, get the necessary support and information. The work of group meetings should include psychological education of parents, raising of their level of psychological culture and psycho – pedagogical competence through organization psychologist mini – lectures, group discussions, using of specially designed training exercises etc. During the training workshop within psychological support to family psychologist can use individual psychotherapy, psychotechnological methods or techniques.


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