
  • M. V. Syvak


ecclesiology, the sacraments, the Church, the Christian marriage, civil marriage, the Christian family


The paper analyzed a notion of a marriage from the perspective of a Christian point of view, as Ordinances, in the relationship that is developed between a man and a woman sanctified by the Church. Based on the teachings of the Church fathers, theological and religious philosophical works, there has been exposed ecclesiological aspect of marriage, highlighted base moral and Christian foundation.
The author emphasized the Christian sense of marital relations and their characteristics are shown opposed to widespread civil marriage, not sanctified by the Church.
The attention is focused on the educational value of the ecclesiological approach to marriage based on the Christian values and its role in the spiritual health of Ukrainian society. Ecclesiology (gr. ἐκκλησία – Church + Greek. λόγος – knowledge) – a branch of Christian theology studying the nature and properties of the Church.
This is the doctrine of the Church, as a branch of dogmatic theology and the element theology of the Holy father.
Ecclesiology raises the question of marriage in line with the teachings of the Church and considers it as the house of the Lord, that is like a building of a family. The prototype of the marital relationship is considered to be the union of the Christ with the Church.
As the marriage is a Sacrament, it cannot be reduced to natural (sensual) content. It has a metaphysical character, which is revealed through the idea of spiritual growth, faith in Christ, self-improvement in marital relationships by both a man and a woman.
The metaphysical meaning of love marriage as the unification of one over personal being and its endless sacrifice associated with another feature – the absolute exclusion. In the whole, there can be only two halves, and that is why the absolute monogamy is not only a Christian ideal, but even a normal marriage.
A moral relationship, a union of love and inner unity between the spouses in a truly Christian marriage are so strong that they cannot be broken up with the death itself.
The recognition of the marriage as a Sacrament makes the possibility of transformation the Christian marriage love into eternal union. It is no mere chance, that the new Testament doctrine of the marriage is in close connection with the doctrine about the Resurrection and the Eternal life.


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