
  • R. I. Sybirna
  • A. V. Sybirnyi


mental disorders, mental illness, mental health care, legal regulation


People with mental disorders are usually separated from society and are either in hospitals or at home because of inadequate behaviour and increased aggression. They are isolated from society and, therefore, they are limited in their contacts and rights. It should be noted that society not only avoids people with mental health problems, but close family may seek to distance themselves from the person with mental disorders, as contact with such a person is burdensome and had a nice. Therefore, being isolated from the outside world, these people do not know their rights and can not use them or fight for them. Also of great importance is the status of people with mental disorders, which may not allow them to fully assess the situation adequately. Regulatory support in the field of mental health care is developed enough. However, the mechanisms are imperfect implementation of a number of laws and regulations relating to the protection of the rights of persons with mental disorders. This complicates the process of legal regulation of mental health care. Equally important is that society excludes people with mental disorders from their everyday life. Accordingly, it limits the ability of people with mental disabilities to get a job, to have a safe place to live, health care, family, friends, to be a full part of society or any social group. Because of social exclusion, as a result of stigmatization and discrimination people with mental health problems are even more depressed. They have reduced self-esteem, they are more limited in their actions and their rights, because they do not know them or can’t fight for them, as a society ignore the interests of people with mental disorders.


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