dependence, independence, co-dependency, counter dependent behaviour, counter dependency, affection, separation, microsystem, macrosystemAbstract
The authors performed a theoretical analysis of the formation of counter dependence between micro (the individual) and macro (human society) systems; counter dependence of the individual as a way to escape from relationships and irresistible desire to remain independent. In the article the psychological characteristics of co-dependency, attachment processes, of counter dependence – separation, independence-fluency, and interdependence –interaction in the context of functioning micro and macro human systems are presented. For a deeper understanding of the model of dependency behaviour one must analyse both individual and social problems. Thus, the interconnection between individual psychological development and psychological evolution couples, families, groups and organizations, national states and the human race as a whole, that is, the interaction of macro and micro human systems is the starting point formation of the dependency. Individuals with high level of dependency have rigid borders of personal space, repelling other people, the strength and hardness, detachment from their feelings, focus on themselves, and dependence on any activity or materials. Dependent people have formed protective behaviour when trying other emotional rapprochement others, swollen «I», compliance, manic energy, safety and security, the prosecution of others, avoidance of intimacy, show off, control needs and behaviours of others. The main dominant of person’s behaviour is a reluctance to let those people own space, even if someone encroaches on her freedom, the relations in which case the break. Motivation to rupture of these relations is the desire to avoid the discomfort of confrontation, anxiety, etc.
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