
  • N. М. Vasylets’


psychological well-being, confidence, autonomy, self-acceptance, personal growth, the dynamics of trust, the types of trust, trust of the citizens to employees of internal affairs institutions


The results of the experimental study of psychological well-being of citizens in the context of the study of social and psychological factors of public confidence in police officers are presented. The features of psychological well-being of citizens in the dynamics of social and political change are analysed. It is determined that in a group of surveyed citizens the dominant components of trust are ideological, intra reflexive, inter reflexive. Reigning measures of psychological well-being have little theoretical grounding, despite an extensive literature on the contours of positive functioning. Aspects of well-being derived from this literature (i.e., self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth) were operationalized.
The actuality of research is based on socio-economical changes in Ukraine which need the formation of fundamentally new relationships between the government and society on the base of a wide involvement of civil society institutions to the management of a democratic society. There are specific peculiarities defined in the trust of citizens to the employees of the law enforcement system. Based on the definition of trust as a feeling as well as on the traditions of our native psychology were divided cognitive, affective and conative components of trust, which are analysed as the citizens` trust factors to ATS employees.
Empirically was set the overall level of confidence in the police citizens. It was found that the level of trust of citizens ATS employees have a certain range, Ukrainian society is characterized by a low level of trust in other people and the desire to limit the expression of confidence in the narrow «relative-friendly range». The dynamics of citizens’ trust in the police department employees, depending on the different political situation were analysed. Well-being is a multifaceted concept. It is often thought of as one of the hallmarks of the liberal arts experience, resulting from educational encounters that both guide students in the search for meaning and direction in life and help them realize their true potential.


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