family; family roles, family rules, family patterns, family myths, family values, family stabilizersAbstract
The family as a biological system seeks to preserve the established relations between its elements, and encourages them to evolution. So the family, as the system always formed a definite structure, which persists because of the effect the exchange of energy and matter in unequal conditions, thus fluctuations, both internal and external factors, content and convert it into a new structure (new money). It is an open system whose elements interact with each other and with external organizations (educational institutions, manufacturing, church, media, government), causing it both positive and negative effects.
The study of family life cycle showed that in moments of stress of non-utilized earlier models of its functioning, is the mechanism of regression, leading to a halt in its development. Therefore, these situations require external intervention into the family of specialists who can help to overcome the difficulties of transition cycle. Defining causes disruption of families and providing them with expert assistance should be considered because of their range of functional options. In particular, especially important is the current methodological structural functionalism, which details the components of the phenomenon and its impact on the functioning of the system. Family structure – is above all the strength of its members, a number of gender roles and relationships in it.
Family structure can be represented as topography – quasi dimensional slice of family life. In the analysis of family functioning accents the following characteristics: connection hierarchy. The first defines the psychological distance between family members. If it is quite small, then there is a symbiosis, or, conversely, very large – fragmentation that can cause dysfunction in the family. His family functions the system performs with a number of methodological landmarks: the structure of family roles; family subsystems (family here include: rules, stereotypes, myths, values).
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