
  • N. M. Vasylets’


trust, dynamics of trust, trust levels, the scope of social reality, the criteria of trust / mistrust


The dynamics of public trust in terms of different political situations have been researched in the field of studying social and psychological factors of public trust in the police officers.
This issue was highlighted due to the need for testing how the relations of trust within the main players of political space, in which rapid changes took place in the result of events on the Maidan, are changing.
For this purpose four sections of empirical research: before the events on the Maidan (beginning of 2013), during (December 2013 – February 2014) and after the events on the Maidan (January–February 2015) and as well during the period of the Ministry of internal affairs reforms implementation (November 2015) have been conducted.
The research of dynamics was realized by using the questionnaire of the author’s technique «Trust in the police» («To what extent such qualities are typical to the police officers?»; «How, in your opinion, do the police officers cope with their main tasks?»; «Do you trust the employees of local organs of internal affairs?») and methods of S. Schwartz «Portrait of values».
The positive dynamics in public assessments of current police activity is traced, because about 50% of the interviewed believe that law enforcement officers cope with their tasks rather well.
The formation of National Police in the cities of Ukraine requires a gradual strengthening of partnership between them and the public. In order these relations are constructive, law enforcement agencies should be able to cause and further support citizens’ trust.
In recent years, militia (police) in our country did not have any positive reviews about their work, so the newly formed police have a lot of work. The most effective form of relations, including police officers, is a partnership; when people and organizations are willing to cooperate their actions to achieve common goals.
Therefore, positive reputation – is a reputation that promotes trust and partnership between the police and the public to achieve a common goal – law and order, justice, security and rule of law.
The dominant types of citizens’ values in the dynamics are examined and determined; the citizens’ assessments of the successful assistance of the National police employees during the accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters are considered.


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Vasylets N. The analysis of the main areas of the study of trust as a social and psychological phenomenon / N. Vasylets // SCIENCE AND WORLD. International scientific journal. – 2014. – № 5 (9). – Vol. III.

