psyche, symptoms, pathology, physical illness, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, somatopsychical balanceAbstract
Considered negative environmental factors causing the development of cardiovascular disease. The impact of cardiovascular disease on the human psyche was detected. Mental factors are generally valid only in conjunction with a number of physical risk factors (hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, excessive weight, etc.).
Neuropsychiatric disorders in somatic diseases usually consist of physical and mental disorders and reactions of the individual to the disease. This reaction depends on the severity and rate of disease development, the idea of it in the patient, the nature of the treatment and psychotherapeutic environment of the individual patient, the attitude to illness of relatives, colleagues and friends.
Further studies, the results of which will most effectively eliminate the impact of adverse psychosocial and psycho-emotional factors in mind people with somatic cardiovascular diseases are necessary. It is advisable to pay more attention to the role of medical social work, which should provide a guaranteed minimum of medical, psychological and social assistance to patients with somatic cardiovascular diseases. In addition, medical and social help orient health authorities and social security on the need for accessible not only medical but also social and psychological assistance to people suffering from such physical illness.
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