
  • S. Р. Kost


media education, media literacy, media, information, media text


The article analyzes the theoretical concepts of media education; attention is drawn to the importance of media in the life of society, it is emphasized that the success of human life is associated with the ability to communicate effectively, tailor the information and use it skillfully; with the increase of the number of media the problem of defining necessary and correct information through its surplus is of great importance; it is stressed that in the new millennium the media have a significant influence on the formation of personality and its outlook, which inevitably leads to more intensive development of media education, which originated in the 1960s in the leading countries of the world and that is why UNESCO and the Council of Europe stress the need to implement the media education to the educational process to maintain the democratic processes in the society, because the media is, in fact, a powerful source of informal education for different social groups, in addition, media significantly influence the process of rooting the values and models of behavior that dominate in a certain time of social development; it is stressed that the understanding of the term «media education» is based on the interpretation that is recorded in the documents of UNESCO; the relevance of media education in modern society is accented; the basic terminology and concepts of media education, understanding of which is essential for recipients of media products in order to develop analytical thinking for critical perception of presented information and its adequate understanding and application are considered; the origins of the terminology from the original language (English) are presented; it is stated that in the era of globalization and information, when the world is perceived through the media, and in a way it is shown by the media, it is important to understand adequately the principles, methods of work and the ability of the media products to influence the formation of worldviews of the individual, that is possible only with the proper interpretation of terminology and concepts used by media education.


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