
  • А. V. Shydelko


axiology, values, axiological orientation, spirituality, spiritual values, personality, future professionals, professional knowledge


The article considers the problem of spiritual values, value orientations in the formation of a future specialist’s personality at educational institutions of Ukraine. The author analyzes important methodological positions based on the study of values by scientists of different philosophical schools; determines her own definitions of such concepts, as following: «values», «value orientations», «spirituality», «spiritual values», «spiritual value orientations»; proves their importance in a personality’s professional formation; identifies internal and external conditions that affect future specialists’ spiritual values formation and value orientations. Values are considered as firm personal beliefs, which are outlined by ideal models of importance of the environmental objects. It was found that the value orientations are the most important elements of the internal structure of the individual, which are based on his/her life experience. Assignment of value orientations is to separate meaningful, significant, important aspects from the secondary, unimportant aspects. According to our beliefs, value orientations play a major role in the life of a young person, as they determine his/her purpose and essence of life. Value orientations are not constant. They are contradictory and dynamic, and according to the accepted social norms and rules dictated by time, they reflect major, significant changes of interdependence of the individual with the society and changes in life, unexpected fleeting everyday situations. It is stated that professional value orientations are those ideas, prospects, plans and objectives in the formation of future specialist for which they are willing to argue, to act, without which they do not imagine their future.


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