emotional intelligence, leadership qualities, student youthAbstract
The problems of leadership qualities and emotional intelligence are revealed in the article. The problem of leadership is one of the most pressing in the management psychology. Any group is characterized by personal and business relationships that must be regulated.
We can confidently say that the person who controls the behavior of others should have leadership qualities. Equally important is the presence of emotional intelligence in the future professional leader. He lets manage both your and emotions of other people, which causes higher adaptability and efficiency in communication. People with well-developed emotional intelligence more quickly achieve their goals in cooperation with others, they become more effective leaders.
Empirical evidence of the relationship of emotional intelligence and leadership qualities of students are presented. Thus, students who have well-developed leadership skills are able to understand other people better and effectively interact with them. They successfully identify and interpret emotional states of other people.
They are able to determine the source of emotion, classify emotions, recognize relationships between words and emotions, interpret the significance of emotions regarding relationships, understand complex (ambivalent) feelings, realize transitions from one emotion to another and possible further development of emotion.
They understand their own emotions and manage them by pointing in the right direction. They are capable and need to control their emotions, to cause and maintain desired emotions, to control unwanted emotions.
It was established that during the period of study, the group of fourth year students was characterized by the increase of such indicators as managing emotions of others, intrapersonal intelligence, understanding of emotions and understanding of their personal emotions compared to the indicators of first year students.
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