
  • N. M. Vasylets


psychological age, chronological age, subjective age, time perspective, cognitive illusion of age perception


The scientific article is devoted to the study of the socio-psychological phenomenon which in psychology was called «subjective experience of the psychological age» characteristic of the formed personality. The psychological approaches to the distinction between the psychological and chronological age of the individual are considered. The definition of the concept of the psychological and chronological age of the individual is analyzed, where the author suggests that realization of psychological time is realized by a person in the form of a special experience of his «internal» age, which can be called the psychological age of an individual. The chronological age is regarded as the number of years the person has lived through since his birth. Thus, personal subjective experience of his psychological age is an integral indicator of a person’s attitude towards the time of his life. The basic approaches to understanding and interpretation of the subjective experience of psychological age are analyzed. In particular, the following concepts are considered in the article: L. S. Vygotskyi; F. Ye. Vasylyuk; Ye. I. Holovakha and O. O. Kronik, who consider the psychological age through the prism of the phenomenon of self-consciousness; T. M. Tytarenko – as an attitude towards oneself in the context of satisfaction with the quality of life; N. V. Panin – as variables dependent on social status and self-realization; the concept of subjective age is disclosed in the writings of K. A. Albukhanova, V. I. Kovaliov, E. A. Serhienko and other scholars. The components of the subjective experience of psychological age are determined through the prism of understanding the time perspective and the relationship with the chronological age of the individual at the conceptual level. It is revealed that one of the most important time characteristics of an individual is orientation to the past, present and future, since a person perceives time as a certain sequence of events, extended for years as a time perspective and a retrospective.


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