
  • Ya. S. Andrushko
  • Kh. P. Dovhan


aggression, aggressiveness, police officer, gender, sex


Having analyzed the most common theories of the interpretation of aggressive behavior, one can draw the following conclusions: 1) The activation of individual’s aggressive manifestations is explained by biological and social factors. 2) Aggressiveness is not always a negative reaction of the individual, and sometimes it is a needed action for protection man from external encroachments. 3) Aggressive behavior can be weakened or directed to a socially acceptable channel through positive reinforcement, person’s orientation to a positive behavior model.
Explaining the nature of aggression three distinct approaches are singled out: the theory of aspiration (psychoenergetic model); frustration theory (homeostatic model); theory of social learning (behavioristic model). Psychologists have identified a large number of factors that contribute to aggression, including age, gender and individual factors. However, most scholars tend to think that the peculiarities of social conditions of personality development are the basis for the manifestation of aggression. However, we tend to believe that primarily – individual characteristics of a person – temperament, character, education, relationships in the family and secondly –economic and social situation in the country are the psychological causes of personality aggression.
Gender differences of patrol police indicate that women tend to be aggressive at the emotional and verbal levels, and men – at behavioral and nonverbal levels. We attribute this to the fact that men are oriented towards opposing the enemy «here and now», and women can show patience and restraint in interpersonal interaction. Correlation analysis has revealed the interconnection between men and women. In particular, the following interactions prevail among men: the scale of «tension» directly correlates with the scales «aggression» and «indication»; the scale of «suspicion» is in direct correlation with the scale of «irritation»; the scale of «physical aggression» and the «high aggressiveness» scale.


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