hater, cyberbullying, hater, bullying, hate, hating, cyber hatred, bullyingAbstract
The article contains the results of a theoretical-empirical study, based on which personal characteristics of the hater were established. A theoretical analysis of the features of the manifestation of hate as a phenomenon was carried out, the essence of hate was analyzed in terms of psychological theories and concepts. The causes, factors, signs and types of hate speech in social networks are described. According to the results of the analysis of scientific research, the components of the structural model of the hater’s personality are described, which include the following features of the communicative sphere (emotionality in communication, aggressive and offensive statements, the inability to conduct a dialogue), emotional (dominance of negative emotions, envy, hatred, fear, anger, anger ), cognitive (dichotomous thinking, cognitive distortions, negative attitudes, polar thinking, lack of logical thinking) and the sphere of self-awareness (self-presentation on the network, self-esteem, self-image, insecurity).An attempt was made to typologized haters based on a set of behavioral factors and features of the personality structure. The results of an empirical study based on the analysis of avatars in haters’ profiles, statements and emotions in messages prove the dominance of negative and aggressive emotional tendencies, hatred, dissatisfaction with everything, self-doubt, suspicion, categoricalness and infantilism. In the behavioral characteristics, one can detect bold, confident and daring manifestations, the means by which the hater most likely wants to assert himself. Characteristics of self-consciousness indicate self-centeredness, selfishness, and contempt for others. With regard to the characteristics of the cognitive sphere, it is noticeable that low intelligence, superficiality and primitiveness of thinking are dominant.
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