mindfulness, mindfulness approach, mindfulness practices, awareness, practice of attentivenessAbstract
In the article an attempt is made to theoretically substantiate the question of studying a new modern method – mindfulness in psychological practice. The results of empirical studies of the influence of mindfulness practices on the mental health of the individual are presented.
The approaches of foreign and native authors to the understanding of the mainstream direction in psychology are analyzed.
The mindfulness practice accumulates a certain theoretically substantiated and empirically proven program of meditative techniques that can be used for psychotherapeutic, relaxation and developmental effects. It is determined that the mindfulness approach contributes to the lack of focus and focus on the present moment of reality.
The article states that the passage of the program mindfulness promotes its participants in the growth of subjective indicators of happiness and energy. Аlso increases the sense of control over their lives, the sense of meaning in life increases more significantly, and also helps to address problems as new opportunities, rather than threats.
In general, we can state that the practice of awareness contributes to the reduction of the volume of almond shaped body in the brain, which is part of the limbic system. It plays a key role in the formation of emotions, participates in the formation of both negative emotions (fear) and positive emotions (pleasure).
The mindfulness approach reduces depressive and anxiety disorders, increases tolerance to pain, increases stress, improves emotional regulation and increases the overall quality of life.
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