thinking, practical thinking, personality of the Internal Affairs employee, professional activity of a police officer, requirements for thinking of a police officerAbstract
The article provides an expanded and in-depth understanding of practical thinking that determines the peculiarities of the performance of official duties by the police, the requirements of which have been largely changed by society. The study of a police officer’s thinking provides the key to understanding the moral qualities and value orientations of a law enforcement officer, as well as understanding the interaction of irrational and rational moments of his sense of justice during the interpretation of law.
In the article the theoretical analysis and research on the problem of practical thinking of Internal Affairs employees in their professional activities is carried out.
The article reveals the peculiarities of the relationship between practical thinking and the activity of the officers of the Bodies of Internal Affairs. Special significance is given to the understanding of the content-functional characteristics of the psychological peculiarities of practical thinking of the officers of the Bodies of Internal Affairs, whose knowledge helps to improve the reality of law enforcement practice due to targeted measures on psychological support for improving the work of various units of the internal affairs system. An overview of the personal qualities of a lawyer is offered from the point of view of the manifestation of his professional and legal thinking and the process of his development is presented.
The perspective approach for studying the problems of practical thinking of Internal Affairs employees is proposed to determine by the empirical way the psychological determinants of the peculiarities of the police officer’s practical thinking and other legal professionals that will become the next stage of research in this field, the results of which can be used in the work of practical psychologists and other specialists for training and retraining law enforcement officers to facilitate the optimal organization of work, enhance imagination, obtain a higher professional level in the Bodies of Internal Affairs.
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