self-awareness, professional self-awareness, structure of self-awareness, self-esteem, self-regulation, self-cognitionAbstract
The concept is analyzed and the main approaches to the essence, structure, functions and content of professional self- awareness are analyzed. Self-awareness is presented as an important condition for the development and perfection of an individual due to its specific functions: self-cognition, self-esteem, self-control, self-regulation, subjectivity.
The basic theoretical aspects of the problem of professional self- awareness as the basis of the professionalism of a practical psychologist are considered. An analysis of the relationship of self-awareness with the development of personality is carried out; the structure of self- awareness is characterized as the unity of three components: cognitive (knowledge about oneself), affective (attitude towards self, self-esteem) and behavioral (self-regulation).
The basic provisions that form the characteristics of professional self-awareness of practical psychologists are highlighted. Professional self- awareness is considered as part of self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is represented as a complex multifaceted personal notion, which determines the peculiarities of the organization of life and is one of the internal conditions for the development and perfection of the individual.
The content characteristic and structural components of professional self-awareness of a practical psychologist are presented: the regulator of professional actions; the component of self-consciousness of the person, the position to himself as a subject of professional activity, manifestation of consciousness associated with professional activity, awareness of himself as a subject of professional activity, awareness of his belonging to a professional group, awareness of the particulars of his professional activities, cognition of himself in professional activities.
The connection of personal and professional self-awareness with the process of professional formation and the professionalism of a practical psychologist is revealed.
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