public and private executor, debt collector, debtor, executive proceedings, executive procedural legal relations, enforcement of court decisions, legal responsibilityAbstract
In the article, on the basis of a complex systematic analysis of the current legislation, the subjects of responsibility in executive proceedings are considered. The object of the research is the legal relationship arising in connection with the illegal behavior of the subjects of executive proceedings and their legal responsibility. The subjects of the executive proceedings are the subject of the study. The subjects of the executive proceedings are the subject of the study. It is indicated that responsibility in executive proceedings is an interdisciplinary phenomenon that covers all measures of legal responsibility applied to the debtor and other subjects of executive proceedings in connection with the fulfillment of the requirements of executive documents. Responsibility in executive proceedings is designed to ensure the solution of the single task of executive proceedings – the correct and timely execution of the executive document in order to achieve the goal of the field of legal regulation, based on the norms of which the obligation of civil, administrative, etc. arose. Liability in enforcement proceedings is differentiated depending on the subject to which it is applied: to the debtor or to other subjects. Since the violation of enforcement proceedings is a consequence of the debtor's illegal behavior, his evasion of the independent fulfillment of the requirement of the executive document in the violated enforcement proceedings does not constitute a particular illegality. Liability measures applied to the debtor in enforcement proceedings should not retrospectively punish wrongdoing, but prospectively encourage the debtor to comply with the requirements of the enforcement document. The liability of other subjects of enforcement proceedings, except for the debtor, has no significant features in relation to the general legal regimes in which it is applied.
Про виконавче провадження: Закон України від 02.06.2016 р. № 1404-VIII. URL.
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