women's movement, education, historical aspect, legal aspect, gender equality, equal opportunities, women's rights, gender discriminationAbstract
Women's movement and education in Ukraine play a crucial role in ensuring gender equality and societal development. This article is dedicated to analyzing the historical and legal aspects, as well as the contemporary development of the women's movement in Ukraine. The historical aspect examines the role of the women's movement in shaping women's identity and advocating for equality. Since the beginning of the 20th century, women have actively fought for their rights, including access to education and professional development. An overview of key events and influential figures that have shaped the development of the women's movement in Ukraine is provided.The legal aspect focuses on analyzing legislation that defines the rights and opportunities for women in the field of education. Constitutional norms, laws, and international conventions aimed at ensuring gender equality in the education system and combating discrimination are discussed. The achievements and challenges related to legal protection of women in the field of education are examined.The contemporary development of the women's movement and education in Ukraine is viewed through the lens of modern initiatives and projects aimed at supporting women in education, enhancing their leadership potential, and expanding opportunities. The analysis also addresses current challenges faced by women, such as gender stereotypes, pay inequality, and limited opportunities for professional growth. Emphasis is placed on the importance of facilitating active participation of women in decision-making processes in the field of education and shaping policies that promote gender equality.The key objective of this article is to explore the historical, legal, and contemporary aspects of the women's movement and education in Ukraine. By examining the past, we gain insights into the complexities and achievements that have propelled the women's movement forward. Through studying the legal context, we delve into the legislative foundations and challenges impacting equality in education. Highlighting contemporary developments, we focus on initiatives and projects aimed at supporting women in education and fostering their leadership potential.
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