ballistic research of firearms and traces of their use, firearms, diagnostics, identification, gunshot traces, ‘PB’ pistol.Abstract
Abstract. The article presents the design features and characteristics of the 9-mm self-loading pistol for silent and flameless shooting (6-P-9), analyzed the results of experiments obtained during the firing of this weapon model, and the results of the research of marks on bullets and cartridges. The most important details are singled out, which form traces on the cartridges and bullets of cartridges fired in this pistol, and are such that allow identification: a) firing pin; b) hook of the ejector; c) protrusion of the reflector; d) edge of the cover of the receiver; e) cartridge stop; e) bore holes. It was established that among the traces formed on the cartridges fired from the ‘PB’ pistol, the most informative are the traces of the firing pin, the edges of the hole in the shutter cup under the firing pin, the reflector, and the ejector hook. The conclusion that when firing from a ‘PB’ pistol is substantiated, a set of signs is formed, which allows conducting expert research and solving expert tasks set by the parties to criminal proceedings or the court – based on traces on bullets and casings. Regularities have been established for the growth and success of products fired from the 9.0 mm ‘PB’ pistol. It has been established that the main design features of the PB (for example, a 9.0-mm PM pistol) that contribute to the signs of flammable damage are: a) the presence of a device that reduces the level of firing sound; b) a choice for firing a standard 9x18 pistol cartridge, which provides a lower: the average size of the cob fluidity of the fired bullet – up to 283-290 m/s (PM – about 315 m/s); c) a smooth release of powder gases from the barrel, which begins when passing through a new barrel; advances against the rush of powder gases in the direct direction; movement of powder gases from the breech to the barrel.
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