administrative services, control, monitoring, assessment criteria, service recipients, public authoritiesAbstract
The article deals with the issue of ensuring the quality of public services based on the current legislation of Ukraine and the European Union. The development of public services is part of the administrative reform of management. One of the priority directions of developing the state administration system is providing high-quality services and increasing their availability for the population and business structures. Public services are an essential component of social activity, the result of the labor process, which directly or indirectly affects the recipient of services, the subject of service provision and the state. The subject matter of the scientific research is national and international legal standards regulating relations in the field of public service provision, theoretical provisions, and law enforcement practice concerning the researched issues. Quality research involves identifying general satisfaction with the quality and availability of public services and examining the quality of services provided by specific entities. It is noted that the quality of public services means the degree of compliance of the provided service with the set of mandatory requirements established in the standard through establishing a system of evaluation criteria that allow measuring, taking into account and controlling the process of providing a public service. It is indicated that the method of standards for the quality of public services, which includes several groups of requirements: for the process of interaction between personnel and the recipient of the service, to the availability of public services; conditions for the place of service provision; to the staff; to the result of providing a public service. The public service standard is a normative set of requirements for service quality expressed in a system of indicators that consider the needs of applicants and the financial capabilities of public service providers. Monitoring the quality of public service provision allows timely adjustment of the service provision process to improve the quality of the process and increase the satisfaction of citizens with the result of applying to a public body for receiving a service.
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