protection of investor’s rights, future real estate object, special property law, legislative amendments, legislation of UkraineAbstract
The article is devoted to the issue of investor rights protection in the aspect of investing funds in real estate objects that will be built in the future. In particular, legislative amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On guaranteeing property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future» have been analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of the new mechanism for the protection of investors’ rights in Ukraine are determined. It has been established that the purpose of the Law of Ukraine «On guaranteeing property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future» is to create legal mechanisms for the state to guarantee property rights to objects of unfinished construction and future real estate objects. The right to perform construction works in relation to which was obtained from the date of entry into force and is aimed at improving the legislative regulation of relations in the sphere of attracting funds of individuals and legal entities in the construction of real estate. And its provisions offer a number of innovations and are certainly progressive and urgent in nature. at the same time, a number of shortcomings of the Law of Ukraine «On guaranteeing property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future» are identified: firstly, the imperfection of the legislative interpretation of the definition of «future real estate object», which is a key aspect in the context of the regulation of special property rights to the object to be built in the future; secondly, the debatability of the interpretation of the essence of a special property right to an object of unfinished construction, the future object of real estate through the prism of certain powers of ownership and disposal, which is contrary to the Law of Ukraine «On property valuation, property rights and professional valuation activity in Ukraine»; thirdly, the haste of entry into force of some provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On guaranteeing property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future». A number of recommendations aimed at improving the mechanism for protecting the rights of investors of future residential and non-residential real estate according to the Law of Ukraine «On guaranteeing property rights to real estate to be built in the future» are given. The haste of entry into force of some provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On guaranteeing property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future». A number of recommendations aimed at improving the mechanism for protecting the rights of investors of future residential and non-residential real estate according to the Law of Ukraine «On guaranteeing property rights to real estate to be built in the future» are given. A number of recommendations aimed at improving the mechanism for protecting the rights of investors of future residential and non-residential real estate according to the Law of Ukraine «On guaranteeing property rights to real estate to be built in the future» are given.
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