ensuring security, rule of law, legality, rights and freedoms, information, system, legal regulationAbstract
The article deals with the security principles in Ukraine's legislation based on a comprehensive analysis. The subject matter of the research is normative provisions and doctrinal concepts that reveal the essential characteristics and content of the security principles. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific and unique legal methods of cognition. Various aspects that make up the content of the security principles are highlighted using methods of analysis and synthesis. With the help of a systemic approach, the system of legal principles of security in national law is considered. A new approach to security principles dictates the need to rethink the accumulated scientific material, considering that most of the works devoted to this topic were written before russia's military aggression against Ukraine. The security principles have systemic connections with some other principles of law. Analysis of the relationship with such principles as legality, justice, maintenance of citizens' trust in the law and actions of the state made it possible to conclude that the general legal principle creates the necessary basis for implementing special principles. Regarding content, the security principles belong to the special-legal ones since they reflect the idea of the certainty of security as one of the primary and essential characteristics that manifests itself at all stages of legal regulation and distinguishes security from other social phenomena of the state's life. The security principle is interconnected within the framework of the mechanism of legal regulation. A comprehensive study of the security principles in legal science is required to fully understand the essence and meaning of security, evaluate the effectiveness of security mechanisms, and formulate legislative proposals and recommendations.
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