digital technologies, digitalization of economic activity, cyber security, e-commerce, electronic document management, financial technologies (FinTech), artificial intelligence technologiesAbstract
The article is devoted to highlighting the currently relevant problem of the introduction of digital technologies into economic activity, in particular the analysis of their impact on the legal regulation of business processes, financial transactions and interaction with state bodies. The main challenges related to digitization are considered, such as legal protection of intellectual property in the digital environment, data protection, regulation of the activities of fintech companies, the use of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as mechanisms of legal protection against digital risks. Special attention is paid to the need to adapt economic legislation to the new realities of the digital economy to ensure the sustainable development of business activities. The specifics of the impact of digitalization on the organizational, technical and social aspects of enterprise management are considered. Particular attention is paid to identifying potential threats to enterprises related to digital transformations, and ways to minimize them are proposed. The article provides an analysis of the main obstacles and risks that arise during the implementation of digital technologies in economic activity. The organizational, technical and social aspects accompanying the digital transformation of enterprises are analyzed, and key risks such as cyber threats, financial costs and technical failures are also identified. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of changes in the economic legislation of Ukraine regarding the digitalization process, in particular in the areas of regulation of data protection, e-commerce and intellectual property. The application of digital technologies in business law in such main areas as digital contracts and agreements (smart contracts), e-commerce, electronic document management, digitization of public services was studied; intellectual property; financial technologies (FinTech); artificial intelligence technologies and automation of business processes. It has been proven that digital technologies are radically transforming the modern world, and their integration into business processes is a key factor contributing to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. However, together with these opportunities, digitalization carries certain risks that require careful analysis and a conscious approach to effectively manage the transition to new organizational and legal forms of business.
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