


criminal offense, criminal liability, sexual freedom, sexual integrity, solicitation of a child, cyber grooming, elements of a crime


The relevance of the chosen topic of scientific research is confirmed by the exacerbation of the problem of sexual crimes against children, which poses a serious threat to their physical and mental health. Additionally, insufficient understanding of this problem by society and law enforcement agencies creates the need for further scientific research aimed at developing effective strategies to combat it. The article is devoted to consideration of the signs of the subject of the crime provided for in Art. 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, – "Harassment of a child for sexual purposes." It has been established that according to the current criminal law, the subject of the crime of molesting a child for sexual purposes is a physical, criminal person, regardless of gender, who has reached the age of 18. The current criminal law does not differentiate criminal liability for such harassment depending on the characteristics of the subject. At the same time, the perpetration of such acts by persons involved in raising children or taking care of them differ significantly in terms of the degree of social danger from harassment committed by "general" subjects. Therefore, the proposal to supplement Art. 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine with the qualifying sign "committing actions by a family member or close relative, or a person who is assigned the duties of raising the victim or taking care of him" (and fixing this qualifying sign in part 4 of Article 156-1). And since the public danger of committing the actions stipulated in Article 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine by a family member or close relative, or a person entrusted with the duties of raising the victim or taking care of him, is much higher than committing similar actions "general" subject of the crime, and in order to prevent the repeated commission of such actions in the future, it is proposed to significantly increase the term of deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a person who was found guilty of committing such a crime, who was entrusted with the responsibilities of education the victim or caring for him.


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