responsible parenthood, parents' responsibilities, child-rearing responsibilities, person raising a child, execution of court decisions, deprivation of parental rightsAbstract
Based on the analysis of the current family legislation, the article examines the legal aspects of responsible parenthood – a phenomenon that means that parents and other participants in family legal relations take a responsible approach to fulfilling their responsibilities for raising a child. It is noted that raising children is the main moral and legal duty of parents and other participants in family legal relations – guardians, custodians, actual educators, foster educators, foster parents. The purpose of the article is to single out the functions of responsible parenthood, which are enshrined in the norms of family law – communicative, economic, protective, normative, spiritual. These functions are implemented with the aim of correctly determining the needs of the child, directing the rights and obligations of parents to meet the best interests of the child. It is concluded that responsible parenthood is a balance of various aspects of upbringing and the fulfillment of certain duties, the consequences of which are the deprivation of parental rights or the application of sanctions to parents who pay alimony. And this is an important condition for the formation of responsible parenthood in the state, as the author notes in the article. The relevant judicial practice was analyzed. The author emphasizes that the principles of responsible parenthood are gradually being formed and developed in Ukraine, the necessary legislative acts are being adopted, and judicial practice is changing positively. The conclusion is formulated that responsible parenthood is a phenomenon that has a legal dimension and consists in a responsible attitude to the upbringing of children not only by parents, but also by other participants in family legal relations who have responsibilities regarding the upbringing of the child, by performing the specified functions.
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