


information, information law, complex field of law, method of legal regulation, digitalization, registries


The article examines public electronic registers in the system of legal regulation based on a comprehensive analysis of current Ukrainian legislation. The object of research is social relations arising in the field of formation and use of public electronic registers. The subject of the study is a set of legal acts regulating public electronic registers, theoretical scientific sources and law enforcement practice on the subject under investigation. The role of public electronic registers is defined. The provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Public Electronic Registers" and other normative acts in the field under investigation are analyzed. Public electronic registers are considered from the point of view of civil, administrative and information law. The role of information law in the system of legislation regulating digitization relations is indicated as a factor contributing to the systematization of this legislation. Given the universality of the use of public electronic registers and their application in all major spheres of social life, the methods of legal regulation of public electronic registers are characterized – imperative and dispositive. A set of interdependent legal norms regulating an independent area of homogeneous social relations, which are formed regarding the formation and use of public electronic registers, forms the legal institution of public electronic registers. The legal norms of the specified complex institute of information law integrate the norms of various branches of law and are aimed at effective legal regulation of complex information relations arising in the sphere of activity of public authorities. Further research should be aimed at studying for the impact of digitization of registries.


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