police, conflict, professional training, causes, improvement, overcomingAbstract
Conflicts are a constant companion of social development, accompanying people's lives as an integral factor in it. A conflict in law enforcement activities can be considered as a clash of parties, at least one of which is law enforcement agencies (its employees). Note that both intra-personal and interpersonal conflicts, conflicts between an individual and a group are possible. These can be vertical (in the relationship of subordination) or horizontal (outside the powersubordination relationship) conflicts, conflicts within a law enforcement body (organization), between an employee of a law enforcement institute and other persons (citizen, organization), between representatives of law enforcement structures. It was determined that knowing information about the possible causes of occurrence, the mechanism of development and means of preventing or eliminating conflicts will allow to determine the most optimal line of behavior on the way to achieving the intended goal in the fight against crimes. The presence of conflict situations is one of the essential characteristics of the work of a patrol police officer. He can become a direct participant in the conflict, overcoming the resistance of offenders, or join the conflict between citizens in order to resolve it, prevent crime, etc. Finally, a conflict can arise in a team (between a manager and a subordinate, between employees of different services). The problem of conflict in law enforcement activities is extremely complex and multifaceted, so we will consider only the specifics and features of conflicts, the subject of which becomes an employee in the performance of official duties. The circumstances of the conflict with citizens can be explained only by the fact that with the performance of their professional tasks, the patrol policeman is entrusted with various duties of both an administrative and legal nature, as well as an operational and investigative nature. The patrol police is a state structure that must protect citizens from criminal and other encroachments, so patrol officers are often forced to use methods that directly or indirectly limit the rights of other persons provided by law. All this can lead to conflict.
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