



Criminal Code, distribution, dissemination, demonstration, sale


The content and scope of the concept of "dissemination" is analyzed, which is repeatedly used in the Criminal Code of Ukraine to indicate a socially dangerous act and the purpose of encroachment in relation to various components of criminal offenses. It is shown that the specified concept is used in a number of normative legal acts of Ukraine. It was established that the Constitution of Ukraine does not refer to the analyzed legal concept, but instead uses the concept of "spreading". The semantic meaning of this legal concept is considered. The state of research of this legal concept in the doctrine of criminal law is analyzed. It is proven that the judicial practice of the Supreme Court does not contain an explanation of this legal concept. Sometimes the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine consider the relationship between this legal concept and related ones. It is proven that the concept marked by the term "dissemination" has the same meaning in all articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, that is, this concept is universal for the criminal law of Ukraine. The features of this criminal-legal notion are highlighted and characterized. The importance of through criminal legal notion in the criminal legislation of Ukraine is demonstrated. The position of the authors of the draft of the new Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the rejection of the legal concept of "dissemination" was supported. The definition of the considered legal concept is formulated on the basis of its essential features, which can be deduced from industry legislation, legal literature and semantic meaning. The relationship between the concepts of "dissemination" and the related concepts of "distribution", "demonstration", and "sales" is shown. It was established that in practice there are often difficulties associated with establishing the content load of this criminal-legal notion. It is proved that the concept of "demonstration" is not covered by the concept of "distribution". It has been proven that there is no need to talk about sales at the same time as distribution in the articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. This criminal-legal notion under consideration has the same meaning for all cases of application in the articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


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