crime in the economic sphere, prevention, counteraction, system of measures, subjects of crime preventionAbstract
The article examines the problems of forming a system of measures to prevent and combat crime in the economic sphere and develops relevant practical recommendations. It has been established that criminological approaches to the formation of a system of measures to prevent and combat crime in the economic sphere need to be improved, taking into account the active process of digitalization that is taking place in most spheres of society’s life. Also, in order to implement the provisions of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine «Human security – the security of the country», it is necessary to form an effective system of measures to prevent and counter economic crime, which will ensure: sustainable development of the national economy and its integration into the European economic space; protection of the person, society and the state from crimes, in particular corruption; will create conditions to ensure the restoration of violated rights and compensation for the damage caused. It is emphasized that the prevention of crime in the economic sphere, as well as crime in general, is an extremely complex multi-level and multi-disciplinary social activity, which must be carried out through the systematic application of preventive measures of various content and nature, which have a single direction to prevent the action of the determinants of this type of crime and its manifestations, primarily the reasons and conditions of the latter. Also, in accordance with the Concept of the development of digital competences, with the increase in the pace of development of digital technologies, the introduction of innovative solutions in all spheres of social life, there is a need to improve the quality of training of employees in order to create an opportunity to modernize the country’s economy in accordance with modern requirements. It has been proven that when forming a system of measures to prevent and combat crime in the economic sphere, it is important to take into account the general processes of digitalization, and in particular, it is appropriate to develop methodological recommendations for the use of modern information and communication technologies to increase the level of preventive activities of the relevant subjects of crime prevention (including h. in terms of raising the professional level of employees), expansion of opportunities for communication with the public on the specified problems, implementation of practical international experience.
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