administrative process, principles of law, legal means, system, optimization, procedural regime.Abstract
Abstract. In the article, from the standpoint of modern theory of the state and law and administrative law theoretical and applied aspects of procedural economy as a principle of administrative justice in the context of adaptation of legislation to the requirements of the European legal space considered based on current legislation. The relevance of the topic determined by the fact that the study of procedural economy is a complex problem of procedural theory, which consists in revising the foundations of administrative justice, building a balanced system of principles, bringing law enforcement practice into compliance with this system in the conditions of changing theoretical ideas. The purpose of the article is to define procedural economy as a principle of administrative proceedings. To realize the goal, dialectical methods of researching legal phenomena applied to solve tasks aimed at substantiating the initial premises and determining the hierarchy of priorities and values in the process of researching procedural economy. Based on the conducted research, a number of theoretical provisions substantiated, in which the legal nature, signs and content of the principle of procedural economy in administrative procedural rights were comprehensively covered. A substantial and meaningful analysis of the concept of procedural economy in administrative proceedings carried out. It substantiated that the implementation of the principle of procedural economy is possible only in interaction with other principles of administrative justice in the context of optimization of legal means of implementing the principle of procedural economy. A conclusion was made regarding the expediency of legislatively enshrining the principle of procedural economy in the codified source of administrative proceedings, and appropriate changes were proposed. In further studies, it is advisable to pay attention to the informatization of administrative proceedings as a means of implementing the principle of procedural economy.
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