


criminalistics characteristics of a crime, concept, structure, criminalistics methodology.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the issue of development of the scientific category ‘criminalistics characteristics of a crime’ in Ukrainian criminalistics, in particular, its concept and structure. It is established that despite insignificant differences in wording, scholars consider the criminalistics characteristics of a crime as a set of typical features of a certain type of socially dangerous acts which are of forensic importance and which allow choosing the most optimal investigation methodology. The structure of the criminalistics characteristics of a crime is formulated in most studies as a number of certain criminal law, criminalistics and criminological features of a certain type of acts. The article emphasizes that the analyzed scientific positions primarily concern the criminalistics characteristics of a certain type of crime as a general concept that will not coincide with the set of features of a specific, separate crime. The mechanism of committing each type of crime is different, and therefore the tactics and methods of their investigation cannot be the same. Therefore, the set of elements of the criminalistics characteristics of a crime cannot be universal for every type of socially dangerous act. When determining the names of the features of the criminalistics characteristics of a crime, one should adhere to the conceptual apparatus of the field of knowledge from which they are borrowed. It is summarized that the criminalistics characteristics of a crime is an important section of the criminalistics methodology and an effective tool for investigating criminal offenses. Determining the theoretical and practical significance of the criminalistics characteristics of a crime is important for the formation of an idea of the criminals characteristics of a crime. The analysis of scientific sources indicates that the issues of the concept and structure of the criminalistics characteristics of a crime have not yet been resolved and require further scientific research.


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